
I always used to say sorry. I am not sure why or what I was apologising for. I was apologising because I always felt inadequate, not up to the same speed as my friends and family. I was apologising for my inadequacies, apologising because it is easier to live in a world where things go wrong rather than where things go right.

And then, one day, my friends told me to switch it around. They told me that I should say thank you to everyone for being in my life, thank the world for the opportunities that are presented to me every day, the friendships I forge and the people I am lucky enough to get to know, thank the universe every day for giving me the chance to be alive within it and spread positivity and then it will come back to me and so now I try, I try to spread positive light everywhere I go and then it comes right back to you, always. 😊No one quite knows how to respond when approached with a sorry but when approached with a thank you or gratitude it makes the recipient feel great and you, by default feel great too.

I always used to think that the best way for people to like you was to appear meek, mild, helpless.. but that does no one any favours, certainly not you and certainly doesn’t make people like you; you appear like a bumbling, gormless idiot, clueless of the ways of the world and no one responds well to that.

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