
Woman writing on full calendar

What plans do you have for 2022?

I wish I was a great planner, someone who had my five-year goal but I’m not. I enjoy taking each day as it comes, to a degree, and seeing where the wind blows.

Obviously, no one can lead a completely planless existence- it wouldn’t be much fun for a start and we, as humans, need the structure of some formality in our lives or we’d die or go a little crazy.

(On a side note, it is interesting that we, as human beings, are born as the most useless and unable to protect or defend ourselves- we prioritise development of our brains instead- so we can make plans!)

If you consider a baby, it exists within the confines of sleeping and eating. As we get older we place more structure into our lives- be this confining or liberating depending how you look at it- we put plans and structures in place to exist and contribute to society as without them the whole world would fall apart.

But, I think, sometimes we can be inclined to over plan- having every moment of our waking day structured with some form of activity or event that we begin to lose sight of who we are or the ability to think for ourselves. COVID, to a degree, has shaken this up by giving people the ability to work from home and more flexibly so that they have time to do other things, sometimes this can be liberating, at other times it can be tying depending how one approaches it. At the end of the day the time one has one has on this earth is yours alone- to go out and giving the best of yourself every day whether that be through having every second planned or a more open and flexible approach.

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